A downloadable Bolor for Windows

Bolor: Attention Manager

New product, Bolor, has been released. As an attention manager, all you need to do is to get users' attention for it. Pushing ads, triggering controversy, and indulging users in this ludicrous social media hype.


·Novel and satisfying interaction system

·Unique Game Mechanics

·Humorous and absurd storyline

·A combination of video and real-time interaction

·Rich and engaging audio


Simulation, Visual novel, Black comedy,

Anti-utopia, Attention economy


Bolor:Attention Manager_Team4.zip 562 MB


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The visuals and animation are on point here and there's a really interesting premise. The trailer for this game is tonally perfect.  Also, the video tapes that play are really interesting and odd and give the game some depth. The UI is also great with the physical buttons that feel clicky and satisfying to press. Nice job!

Your team should continue creating unique games like this as it really has a potential to sell.


Appreciate it man! We will continue to make some better games!